Friday, September 25, 2009

Fix It Friday #30

It's been a few weeks since I've participated...but i skipped my run this morning to work on this :) I had fun working with this-gave me some ideas for some underexposed 'stuff' I have.

Here's the shot SOOC

And my edit
Let's see if I can remember what I did...I opened it in camera raw and adjusted the exposure and lighting...a lot.
I created a hue/saturation layer and adjusted the reds
I did a couple of other layers, but I don't think they really affected the picture much.
Selected the boy and the hand, did the inverse, and blurred the background a bit-it was looking really grainy.
I lassoed (is that a word?) a few more red spots on his face and brought the red down a bit
I added a texture from here (got that from the last tutorial on i heart faces.)
And I was done.
This was a fun one!
Head on over to I heart faces to see other great edits!


  1. I love how you cropped this picture. I think it brings the focus back onto the subject. It was such a great picture to work with.

  2. I like that crop. And I skipped working out today to work on my fix!
