Friday, September 25, 2009

Fix It Friday #30

It's been a few weeks since I've participated...but i skipped my run this morning to work on this :) I had fun working with this-gave me some ideas for some underexposed 'stuff' I have.

Here's the shot SOOC

And my edit
Let's see if I can remember what I did...I opened it in camera raw and adjusted the exposure and lighting...a lot.
I created a hue/saturation layer and adjusted the reds
I did a couple of other layers, but I don't think they really affected the picture much.
Selected the boy and the hand, did the inverse, and blurred the background a bit-it was looking really grainy.
I lassoed (is that a word?) a few more red spots on his face and brought the red down a bit
I added a texture from here (got that from the last tutorial on i heart faces.)
And I was done.
This was a fun one!
Head on over to I heart faces to see other great edits!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Green Grass

On our recent trip to Michigan I snagged my sister's awesome camera and took some pictures of my boy. Here's the shot SOOC.

And my edit.
My little cutie!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Completely candid

My niece just had her 3rd birthday there were bunches of kiddos there to take pictures of :) This little girl was not posing, believe it or not :) She was just thrilled to have a spoonful of chocolate frosting in her hand! She was decorating a sugar cookie-one of the activities my sister-in-law had for the kids.
Head on over to I heart faces to see other great candid shots!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pretty girl...

It's been a while since I've posted...or really edited pictures in general to be honest. This little girl captured my attention, though, and I couldn't resist playing with the shot :) Above is the picture SOOC...

And my edit. Those eyes are amazing...