Friday, October 9, 2009

Fix-It Friday #31

The quest to do something unique with these pictures continues...I try, but I am just not that creative :) So, here are a few fairly 'normal' edits. I just spent way too much time for 3 pictures that look about the same... is the original picture:

And my edits:

Head on over to I heart faces to see other great edits this week!


  1. I really like these, particularly the first edit. Nice job!

  2. I like the first edit best :D Don't worry about the time thing. You will get to know what works and you will get quicker as your eye learns to 'see' what needs doing. I've only been learning to shoot well and edit nicely for a few months (well since the start of iheartfaces - so about 8 months) and I can already feel & see a difference in my own work. I'm not there yet (my a long stretch), but I'm on the road and my step is a little quicker and lighter than it was back at the beginning :D

  3. I agree, the first edit is my favorite. Those eyes are so beautiful, and I like the vignette. Have a wonderful day!
