Friday, August 7, 2009

Fix-It Friday #23

YAY! It's Fix-It Friday!

Here's the picture...practicly perfect SOOC...

Here's my edit. I opened it in Raw and played around with the color there. I got it to 'almost black and white' but left quite a bit of color still in it. Then I opened it up in PSE7. I cropped it, used Pioneer Woman's technique for eyes, and darkened the edges. I also bumped up the color of the petal he was holding in his hand. Fun!

Be sure to head over to I heart faces to see more great edits!


  1. I like the crop and color. Nicely done!

  2. I really like how you cropped it and darkened the edges. Very nice.

  3. The crop and vignette are great! :)

  4. Beautiful crop, and the coloring is beautiful, too! Everytime I see one of these PS edits it makes me think of how badly I need to learn mine! :) Thanks for the inspiration, great work.

  5. Fantastic! I love the crop and desaturation of the colors!
