Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Too much?

'A' is such a sweetie! And she loves great grandma's kitties :) This picture was also taken from my sister's camera.
Here's the shot SOOC

My edit. I think it might be a little to bright...there is too much 'glow'. I like how it frames her face, but the white on the cat is too bright. I was trying to just isolate the white on the cat, but it made the picture look funny. I wasn't quite sure what else to do, so I just went with it :)

1 comment:

  1. I actually prefer the warmer tones on the first one. I think the issue you are having here is with white balance. Try opening up the photo in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw), there is a setting there that allows you to tweak the white balance until the overall color of the shot looks correct.
