Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just for fun

I'm totally a beginner at all of this. Any tips would be great!


  1. Hi! Just stopping by to let you know how to work the Pioneer Woman eye pop method. Instead of filter, go to Enhance - Unsharp Mask, and it should work. I didn't realize that Pioneer Woman's directions didn't match Elements. I have been using that method so long, I must have forgotten that the two programs didn't quite mesh in that area.

  2. Oh, and I must say, you have a child with perfect eyes to work with. How beautiful those eyes are!

  3. What a gorgeous baby! Those lashes are to die for! One tip would be to turn off the flash. See the shadows under the baby's chin and left cheek? That's from the flash. Using ambient light would get rid of those shadows, while at the same time giving a more natural look to the skin.
